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  This webinar also covers 6 hours under the SRA Continuing Competence Scheme  
  Course materials and Certificate of attendance will be provided  

Event Details:

Venue: Zoom
Date: Wednesday 24th March 2021
Time: 10.00 – 17.00
Course fee: Only £69.00 (No VAT)
Topics covered include:

Richard Mckee (Rtd judge of the Upper Tribunal)
Chair of the Webinar

Philippa Pary-Jones(Barrister 33 Bedford Row)
Parental Alienation, a game with no winners.

Taking a look at the case law surrounding this thorny topic, together with some practical tips and tricks for when faced with a case concerning allegations or suspicions of parental alienation.

Soraya Pascoe (Barrister, Goldsmith Chambers)
“The SGO Guidelines, and end to hybrid final orders?”

Gayle Bisbey(Barrister, 33 Bedford Row)
I am leaving on a Jet plane…or will I?

Overview of the law on applications for removal from the jurisdiction and tips on how to prepare for them.

Aina Khan OBE(Solicitor, Aina Khan Law)
Islamic marriages in the UK

(topic to be confirmed)

John Hatton and Chris Stringer(Barrister, Westgate Chambers)
“The (long awaited) Domestic Abuse Act 2021 – implications for practitioners and professionals in the Family Courts”

John Hatton and Chris Stringer discuss the wide-ranging impact of the new Act on both public and private law proceedings in the Family Courts, including the new statutory definition of domestic abuse, new DAPN injunctions and the court’s powers to impose requirements under a DAPO, cross examination and public funding, special measures and the statutory duties of local authorities.

Baldip Singh Aulak (Barrister 33 Bedford Row)
“Financial Remedies and Case Law Update 2021”

Baldip Singh will set the scene of how matrimonial assets are divided upon separation and provide an update on recent case law within this practice area.

Stuart Barlow(Solicitor, Author of “A Practical Guide to Working with Litigants in Person & McKenzie Friends in Family Cases”)
“Litigants in Person & McKenzie Friends in Family proceedings-a subject facing family lawyers today”

Due to the huge increase in parties representing themselves in the Family Court today, this is a subject that is relevant and practical for all family lawyers, especially those appearing in children cases.
  • “Panel Discussion”
    with His Honour Michael Horowitz QC (Barrister, 1 Hare Court) Constance Whippman (Barrister, Head of Chambers Emeritus, 33 Bedford Row) and other speakers available at the end of the webinar

Constance Whippman (Barrister, 33 Bedford Row)
Soraya Pascoe (Barrister, Goldsmith Chambers)
Gayle Bisbey(Barrister, 33 Bedford Row)
Aina Khan (Solicitor, Aina Khan Law)
Chris Stringer(Barrister, Westgate Chambers)
Baldip Singh Aulak (Barrister, 33 Bedford Row)
Philippa Parry-Jones(Barrister, 33 Bedford Row)
John Hatton(Barrister, Westgate Chambers)
Stuart Barlow(Solicitor, Author of “A Practical Guide to Working with Litigants in Person & McKenzie Friends in Family Cases”)
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